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Wishlist: Blue and Pink

An Interview with Tolly Dolly Posh


What sort of music do you like to listen to?

It depends what I’m doing whilst listening. I always have music on when I wake-up and tidy my room etc… it’s either an acoustic playlist or somebody like Vance Joy or Roo Panes. But I also listen to lots of other things like Arcade Fire, David Bowie… even Childish Gambino if I’m really in the mood.

The What's Underneath Project

Beside the Sea-Side


My second outfit post by the sea and my first outfit post since December is here! And the sea was freezing! But what can I say? Had some nice ice-cream and took some nice photos so I can't complain. Anyway, this is a sort of 'accidental post', because I didn't have anything planned for today. I mean, the outfit is simple to say the least. I've just missed outfit posts, I used to have so so many on one page, and it's nice when one just happens itself! Let me finally stop rambling so you can actually read this.